Saturday, July 14, 2007

Little Dave's New Cousin

Little Dave's 7th cousin was born on Thursday. Meet Alyssa Joy Anderson.

Monday, July 9, 2007

3 Weeks

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Two Weeks

See all 80 photos here...

Little Dave - 2 Weeks Edited

Sunday, June 24, 2007

One Week

Monday, June 18, 2007

Day 2 Pictures

Saturday, June 16, 2007

All of the pictures I have the energy for

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He's Here!!!!

8lb 3.4oz

And he is definitely mine!

Heidi and Little Dave are doing awesome.

More details when time allows.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Blonde Hair!!!!


9cm 90% +1


Looking good

The doctor gave us a good report. She is a good 8cm now. The doctor will be back at 7:15 and thinks it might be time to try pushing.

Keep the comments coming

I've been reading the comments to Heidi as they come in. She loves hearing them.

The doctor will be here soon to check on progress. They have been cranking up the Pitocin to keep things moving, so we're hoping that we will see 7 or 8cm.

Slowly, But Surely

Heidi has been resting well for the last couple hours. The epidural has slowed down the contractions, so she is only dialated to about 5-6cm. They just cranked up the Pitocin to try and speed things up.

I love epidurals

Heidi is sleeping. She is in a happy place.

5cm dialated, 70% effaced as of an hour ago.

Water broken

The doctor just showed up and broken Heidi's water. She's at 4-5cm now and the epidural has been ordered.

In the delivery room.

Heidi is on Pitocin now and they moved us from triage to a delivery room. We are watching TV, catching up on the latest world news. Paris Hilton is still in jail.

Today is the day!

We just got the call from the hospital for us to come in for the induction! I'll try to post whenever I can with updates.

I haven't been this excited since the day I was released from prison!


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Mobile Blog

I am blogging this from my cell phone. I now have the technology to keep the blog updated from the hospital.


Monday, June 4, 2007

Blog Updates

We just made 2 very important updates to the Blog.

1) I figured out how to make the "posts" area wider, allowing room for bigger pictures. 600 pixel slideshows rock. (see previous post)

2) We changed the permissions for comments so that everyone can post comments, not just Blogger members. Now there are no excuses for not leaving us well wishes. Just click the "comments" link at the bottom of any post.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Marley's Wedding Dress

Last night, we went over and took some photos of Marley and Nolan. Dickersons from all over the country were in town for John D's wedding. Check out our Picasa page to see more of our photography.

Fort Walker

Sneak Preview

For those of you wondering what Little Dave is going to look like, we thought we would give you a sneak preview. 12 days and counting...
Heidi, age 2
David, age 2.5

Friday, June 1, 2007

T-Minus 2 Weeks (or less)

For those of you who don't know, Heidi has been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. When diagnosed early enough, most complications can be avoided and Heidi has done an amazing job of adjusting her diet to minimize them. The 2 major concerns at this point are 1)the baby grows too large or 2)the placenta fails. We visit the perinatologist every week now, where they do an ultrasound to measure the size of the baby and verify the flow of oxygen through the umbilical cord. As of yesterday, everything is going great. Traditionally, mothers with GD (that sounds dirty, like an STD) are induced at 39 weeks as a precaution. Soooo.....long story short- Heidi will be induced 2 weeks from today, which would be June 15th.

2 weeks and counting...


Wednesday, April 18, 2007